Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Sister Lexi found this background and told me that it looks just like me. I only hope she was not thinking I look like the cow, but who knows. Life has been crazy busy for me lately. School has kept me going. I have decided that 18 credits comes as a full load. But on the same thought it has been good to be busy. I am so happy that Spring is just around the corner. ( at least we hope) We had the opportunity to listen to conference this weekend and what a great experience that was. I always look forwar to hearing conference and this year was no execption. It has given me a greater desire to become better. Here are a few pictures from the last couple of months:)
A new little baby I love them, they are so cute.
My date with Seth we went roping at the livestock center and then made ice cream it was a lot of fun.
This picture look kinda gross. It is not blood. I was moving a candle that I had just blown out and it spilt all over my arm, carpet and my favorite pair of pants. I went in and showed my sister and she freaked out. I had to laugh